
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a Plane in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition TUTORIAL

How to Make a Plane in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition This article needs cleanup to comply with the style guide. [ hash out ] Please help improve this folio. The talk page may comprise suggestions. Reason: make the page easier to read for Bedrock Edition users (more documentation, a separate section entirely?) Flying machines are mechanisms that use slime block s and/or beloved block south, redstone blocks , observer s, and piston s to motility a construction of blocks in i

How to Make a Friendly Zombie in Minecraft TUTORIAL

Zombies are hostile mobs and 1 of the near common enemies players will see in Minecraft. There are several types of Zombies, each with unique characteristics. The regular ones have green skin and calorie-free bluish shirt and blue pants; while the babies just have a faster speed. Similarly, the Zombie villagers bears resemblance to a normal villager except their green pare. Husks have gray pare and tattered clothes and are institute in deserts. Drowned zombies spawn underwater, are blue-faced and commonly wield a trident; lastly, Geared zombies can spawn with armor and tools/weapons. Y'all may have encountered swarms of zombies and this is because they aggro onto you from farther abroad. On difficult mode, zombies are capable of breaking down doors and attacking you in your home! Types of Zombies Zombie-Type
